Learning about Financial Education and having Financial Intelligence is not just all you need to become rich and wealthy there can be many barriers that can still work as a roadblocks in your path to become financially independent and rich in life. There are mainly 4 types of barriers that one must need to overcome to become rich and wealthy.
The Barriers
There are four barriers that can be roadblocks in your path to become rich. These are:
- Fear
- Laziness
- Bad Habits
- Arrogance
The above are the four barriers that you need to overcome after your financial education and before you start your mission to become financially independent.
Overcome Barriers
Fear of losing is one of the greatest fear most of the people have, specially the fear of losing money, the fear of taking risk. These are few fears that pulls back most of the peoples from becoming rich.
Again, Robert T. Kiyosaki explains the Fear and how to overcome those fears in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad in this way...
I have never met anyone who really likes losing money. And in all my years, I have never met a rich person who has never lost money. But I have met a lot of poor people who have never lost a dime— investing, that is.
The fear of losing money is real. Everyone has it. Even the rich. But it’s not having fear that is the problem. It’s how you handle fear. It’s how you handle losing. It’s how you handle failure that makes the difference in one’s life. The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they manage that fear.
And to overcome fear...
In my own life, I’ve noticed that winning usually follows losing. Before I finally learned to ride a bike, I first fell down many times. I’ve never met a golfer who has never lost a golf ball. I’ve never met people who have fallen in love who have never had their heart broken. And I’ve never met someone rich who has never lost money.
So for most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich.
Are you lazy because you don't work? or you are lazy to learn about Financial Education?
Well, do you know the most busy person in this world are the one who are laziest of all, This is how Robert T. Kiyosaki explains...
Busy people are often the most lazy. We have all heard stories of a businessman who works hard to earn money. He works hard to be a good provider for his wife and children. He spends long hours at the office and brings work home on weekends. One day he comes home to an empty house. His wife has left with the kids. He knew he and his wife had problems, but rather than work to make the relationship strong, he stayed busy at work. Dismayed, his performance at work slips and he loses his job.
Then, How to Overcome Laziness?
Well the single word answer to overcome laziness is - Greed.
Just be greedy to learn, be greedy to become rich. Most of the people who don't get rich is because whenever they think about something above their means all they ask themselve is, "I can't afford it." The fact is that the time you thin, "I can't afford it." your brain stops thinking, The time you will think, "How can I afford it?" your brain is put at work and finding solution to achieve the thing you want in your life.
So the time you will start thinking How can you afford to become rich? your mind will start thinking about the solutions and will automatically take you towards the path to become rich and wealthy.
Bad Habits
The Bad Habits - Almost everyone have some kind of bad habits but which habits are bad when it comes to your money and financial freedom?
Do you know?
Your habits are the average of the five peoples habits who are close to you, The more people with good habits you have around you the more good habits you will have and vice versa for bad habits.
Let's come to our bad habits related money and our finances...
The people who are stuck in the rat race and keeps on paying bills and all their dues just after they get their paycheck because they don't to get bullied by the lenders. They get scared when they think about the lenders bullying them to pay back their money. That's their bad habit they are scared and they pay everyone first and then gets more deeper into the trap as the time passes by.
How to Overcome this Bad Habit then?
Start Paying Yourself First - Yes, you heard it right. Whenever you get your monthly paycheck firstly pay yourself instead of paying all others. If you want to become financially free and get rich you have to overcome the bad habit of paying others first. Start Paying yourself first and then just buy income generating assets with that money which will grow themselves more for you.
Arrogance - Robert T. Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad explains it in a great way...
“What I know makes me money. What I don’t know loses me money. Every time I have been arrogant, I have lost money. Because when I’m arrogant, I truly believe that what I don’t know is notimportant,”
When it comes to Money and Investing most of the people use arrogance to hide their ignorance about money actually they don't even know about the subject they are talking about. So if you are one of them then to overcome your arrogance firstly stop hiding your ignorance towards the subject of money and then get educated yourself with the subject.
Bottom Line
So, today we discussed about the 4 barriers that act as a roadblocks in your path to financial freedome and also tried to explain how to overcome those barriers to become rich.
Just read them again and again untill you find yourself out of them and start building your asset column that will help you grow richer day by day.
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