Monday, March 30, 2015

Chapter #6 - Work To Learn, Not Just Earn

Time to let you know the facts to be rich and wealthy, as the title states 'Work to Learn' we will discuss about the things which we must learn in our daily life, these are not just any traditional education subjects which you need to cram to pass the examinations and get the degree, these are some real life subjects which you need to grasp in yourself and start your path to become rich and wealthy.

Do You Know?

Most of the talented persons out their having great traditional education and infact they are filled with the lots of natural talent in themselves but I get so much disappointed to know that they aren't paid that much to live their life happily, majority of such people are just a part of the trap that we call as a rat race.

Why this happens?

Well, this is again due to the lack of Financial Education or we also call it Financial Intelligence, the above type of people have all the required traditional educations with them along with the natural talents but they never thought about Financial Education neither they found it worthful because they even need a degree for it too in return of learning Financial Education.

What they don't know?

The Real Value of Financial Education - In their life, as most of them are part of the rat race, another fact is that they don't even know that they are a part of rat race. What they think is that life moves like this only... Earn > Pay Taxes > Spend > Borrow (If you lack funds)

That's the reason they don't want to think about financial education...learning is far away!

Subjects To Learn

There are 4 subjects which you essentially need to learn to become rich and wealthy, they are:
  1. Accounting
  2. Investing
  3. Understanding Markets
  4. The Law & Taxation
These are the most important subjects which you need to learn, you need to work on your learning part if you want to become rich, not on just the earning part.

More Money Is Not The Solution - Not Just Earn

The persons who lack Financial Education and are already a part of the rat race keeps on thinking that more money will solve their problems and will get them out from the trap, The only thing you need to have is just a Financial Intelligence which will help you to get out of the rat race not only more money.

The People who just focus on their Earning Part just keeps on work harder and harder all their life to earn more and more money and eventually these type of people just increase their spending because they have started earning more money hence they get digged into more deeper trap and never came out all their life. Because they never worked on their learning part.

Bottom Line

So, If you want to become rich and wealthy just start working on your Learning Part, Not just on your Earning The More you will work harder for money the more it will digg you deeper inside the trap. 

Learning is the key to wisdom and Financial Learning is the key to become rich and wealthy.

If you have any query then feel free to comment below or you can even write me at my email and don't forget to subscribe to my daily newsletter service.

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